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Comentarios (7)

Amanda - 1 Augusto 10:06

fr , Soy Esmeralda, una joven transexual de 20 años. Soy todo lo que buscas en la cama, traviesa, diferente y especial. Me gusta la fiesta, el morbo e

Vergara - 15 Marzo 17:15

Una gama amplia de gustos y posibilidades para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia sexual.

Carranzo - 18 Marzo 03:19

Is it weird that i love that she has braces? ?

Admin - 10 Abril 05:25

Respect is important, but for many people God is not. In the issue of circumcision we should probably stick to the common ground and ask if it serves a practical purpose. (If it does not then it is a form of child mutilation. Based on what I've experienced I'm in favour of male-circumcision entirely on practical and scientifically demonstrable reasons, but I'm just one person. I'm against piecing a child's ears until they request it, but avoiding the mental trauma with postnatal circumcision.

Tremore - 2 Abril 03:51

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KarlLee - 8 Mayo 13:17

Racism prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Dewindt - 18 Junio 21:26

I want the same