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Comentarios (8)

Gregory - 10 Marzo 09:23

en , Hola soy Daniela tengo 47 años, y como madurita que soy tengo mucha experiencia y nos lo vamos a pasar muy bien, me encanta disfrutar del sexo y

Foney - 12 Octubre 02:24

Se ha desempeñado en la docencia desde a la fecha, y ha ocupado puestos de dirección en la Ibero Puebla en la Licenciatura en Arquitectura, en el Departamento de Arte, Diseño y Arquitectura, en la Maestría en Estudios y Gestión de la Ciudad, en el Doctorado en Ciudad, Territorio y Patrimonio, así como en la dirección de Investigación y Posgrado. Ha publicado artículos en revistas de circulación nacional e internacional, y coordinado libros colectivos sobre urbanismo, incluyendo en ellos textos de su autoría.

Joesph - 7 Noviembre 14:07

My Nana got drunk at Chris as when she was maybe 70 and declared that sex doesn't stop when you're old. :p so I guess her and Granddad were still having fun. At the time I was like sure, Nana, why do I need to know this? but I'm happy they had a close marriage even to the end!

Gerety - 23 Marzo 21:59

I bet who liked the video was inspiration to do masturbates

Karz - 26 Mayo 02:52

3 If I can help without the person who needs help knowing, I act immediately, without saying anything about it. If I can't do it without letting the other person know, then I will help anyway about 85 of the time. If they appear embarrassed, then I say something to the effect of It happens to everyone/it could happen to anyone. Sorry if I embarrassed you. And then move on with my day.

Ruddell - 1 Junio 04:22

She is a pretty nice looking woman. I wouldn't mind if she pressed her breasts against me.

Goessl - 5 Noviembre 08:33

Hello Dr. Doe! I am training as a doula currently and I had an idea for a topic. Could you dedicate a show to sex during/after pregnancy? Or a show on orgasmic birth or how sex gets the baby in and how sex can get the baby out? It would be interesting to learn anything new on the subject and would at least be a wonderful resource for the pregnant women I will be interacting with. Thanks again for all your videos and time and energy you give to sexual education.